


Special report for "The Abarth Register", USA                                                             20.7.1998

The "Raduno 500" in Garlenda, Italy, 4.+5. July 1998                         

Traditionally the "Fiat 500 Club Garlenda" celebrated, supported by "Pro Loco Garlenda", beginning of July their "Raduno 500"(Fiat 500-meeting), which during the years became the most visited Fiat 500 meeting probably worldwide.
Last year the meeting was more frequented as it was the 40th anniversary of the Fiat 500 then, but this meeting was really extraordinary too, as you never find more Fiat 500 together for a weekend.

Garlenda is a beautiful ligurian village near Albenga between Savona and Imperia and is surrounded by beautiful mountains, though the mediterranean sea is about 10 km distant only.
Every partecipant received a bag with nice gifts and had opportunity to spend, if desired, these days beside all the cars on a camping-area.

The service offered fine ligurian meals prepared directly in front of the guests eyes and wines of the area were offered as well.
Both evenings was dancing with live-music until deep in the nights, while the days were covered with Fiat-500 activities.
All  had opportunity to partecipate (with the car) the guided tour in the surrounding areas, and a parts-market was held for those who desired to search for parts or to offer them, though this year the last ones had to pay for this 100oooLit=50$. Less original Abarth-parts were seen this year compared with former ones.

I try to limit this report on Abarth-activities strictly but nearly any car there would be worth it to be described. Surely the rare versions like Vignale Gamine and Ghia Jolly were very much noticed, as were the partecipating original 5 original Abarth-cars, 4 595 and 1 695 esse esse Assetto Corsa, which initially was immatriculated by the Abarth-factory. Several 595/695Abarth-replicas were there as well and the number increases.

Some cars were that sympathetic that I have to mention them nevertheless:
The short-wheelbase , topless Fiat 500 D in yellow and red and a rolling appartment:
A 1963 Fiat 500 D with any equipment that could be desired at home like a bedroom, a shower with an exclusive piece of soap, running water in the bathroom, spaghetti with red sauce and Parmigiano-cheese on top and the table beautifully covered with any comfort, silver included. Beside was a small table where whine was offered. And the whole artistic arrangement could be driven nevertheless.

It was worth it to have been there once again.

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